This is the question which Ryan McLaughlin, aged 14, from Glasgow, has an answer to. Watch the video to find out more, and please share this video on your Bebo, Facebook, MySpace pages. Help us protect future generations of Scots from Multiple Sclerosis by signing our e-petition and joining our walk to the Scottish parliament on Wednesday 17th June 2009 to hand the petition to our MSPs.
Ryan is aware of the effects of Multiple Sclerosis (MS), as it impacts on the lives of 10,500 people in Scotland and one of of those affected is his Mum. His experience of MS made him determined to find a way to help the thousands of people who are fighting this chronic progressive disease, an illness which has no cure, and to lessen the impact of MS on future generations. So what is his answer?
Campaign Goals
* Providing Vitamin D to all of Scotland’s children and pregnant mums
* Clarification on the recommended daily allowance
* To run a public awareness campaign inform the public about the benefits of Vitamin D in relation to MS
Scientists have now proven a link between MS and a lack of Vitamin D. People in Scotland are exposed to less sunshine, and it is the energy from the sun which triggers a chemical reaction in the body which leads to Vitamin D being produced. MS is rare in countries close to the equator which have a high amount of sunshine and becomes more common at distant latitudes. For example, in the US rates are lowest in Florida and rise towards Canada. At an MS conference in November 2008 scientists told the Scottish Government of the link and now it needs to act on this evidence.
That is why Ryan has started the Shine on Scotland campaign, as he believes that the government providing Vitamin D to children and pregnant mums is our chance to stop future generations from suffering the way his Mum does everyday. He’s doing it for your children and your grandchildren. Will you join him in his fight?
Ryan needs your support. Please sign his e-petition now. He is also looking for 500 kids and their parents to join him in walking the Royal Mile to the Parliament to hand over the petition.
This is our chance. Together we can change Scotland’s future through providing Vitamin D for all.
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