16 yr old MS campaigner Ryan McLaughlin of the Shine on Scotland campaign for FREE vitamin D supplements to prevent MS in Scotland has launched his own social network dedicated it to fighting for better treatments for those with multiple sclerosis and vow's to lead a new global campaign to help end the disease if he can get the support.
This platform will act as the campaigns HQ allowing the teenager to launch, support and manage multiple campaigns and all the logistics on a single platform.
The site offers many applications and tools available on Facebook plus members have the ability to customise their own profile pages similar to that offered by social sites like MySpace and Bebo with live chat, free blogs and member forums.
The website is free to join and open to everyone effected or touched by MS inc charities, researchers and activists alike. The new website will form a key part of the campaigners’s vision to help in his fight to ’end MS’ .
'A platform for taking action on ending Multiple Sclerosis'
To have a platform to allow us to bring everyone with a connection to MS together on a single website, who share the same goal in ending MS is a really great tool in the war to help beat MS.
It's simple 'we are stronger together - fighting together' say's Ryan
If we combine the resourses of MS charities worldwide and use the power of social media I believe we can get politicians to sit up and listen and then to act - we can end MS - stop the pain and end the misery.
MS is still being ignored by politicians and governments and now I want to make a stand for MS - I want action taken by world leaders to begin work on a road map for ending MS with a generation. I believe those with MS deserve nothing less.
Members have the say
“I want to let the members shape it and allow them to 'get involved' in helping me develop a global campaign for ‘Political Action in ending MS within a generation‘. I need the MS community to join and support me, together we will make this succeed”
The website has support for 17 languages including Russian and Chinese with more being planned to be added in the coming weeks.
The campaigner plans to open the Shine on MS Foundation in August and planning a 'Gala MS Dinner' in Glasgow in early November to raise funding towards vitamin D clinical trials,stem cell research and if we raise our targets I would like to contribute towards research projects with MS Society Scotland. We are just confirming up final dates with a "Major Celebrity Host" then well announce the full details.
Its been really hard to get my plans off the ground without any funding. I've had to relying on my sponsors and donations. if any companies who read this who can help with sponsorship or financial support please get in contact.
Notes for Editors:
About Shine On MS
A social network and community for those affected by Multiple Sclerosis. Shine On MS is a community for people affected by Multiple Sclerosis, MS Groups, researchers, campaigners and activists. Users can share, get support and interact with other members. www.shineonms.com
About Shine on Scotland Campaign
A campaign by Ryan Mclaughlin to get vitamin D for every child and pregnant
mother as a preventative measure against Multiple Sclerosis www.shineonscotland.org.uk
Awards won by Ryan McLaughlin
Pride of Britain Award winner 2010 "Teenager of courage"
Winner of 'child of year 'award 2009 - Bighearted Scotland
Winner of Young Scot of the Year 2011 for 'Health'
The 'Independent on Sunday' included Ryan Mclaughlin in the 2010 happy list 'Top 100 Brits'
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